Libros Índices de Contenido

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 2ed Español 2015 vol 2 Indice

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 2ed Español 2015 vol 3 Indice

Amor RT Pierna Tobillo y Pie Bs Aires 2009 Indice

Andrews JR Artroscopia Marban 2001 Indice

AOSPINE Educacion en InvestigacionAOSpine Latin America 2014 Indice

Bado JL Lesión de Monteggia 1958 Indice

Banerjee A. Handbook Orthop Trauma Implantology 2023 Indice

Barrack Rosenber Cadera Master Cirugia Ortopedica 2009 Indice

Beaty JH – Rockwood Fractures Children 2006 6a ed Indice

Bentley G. European Surg Orthop Traumatol 2014 Indice

Blount Fracturas en los Niños 1958 Indice

Breusch Malchau Well-Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty 2005 Indice

Bucholz Orthopaedic decision making 1996 Indice

Buck-Gramcko Cong Malf Hand Forearm 1998 Indice

Burkhalter WE Hand Clinics Tranferencias Tendinosas 1988 4 (2) Indice

Callaghan John J The Adul Hip 1998 Indice

Canale Beaty Campbell Cirugía Ortopedica 11º ed 2010 Indice

Caneva O Lecciones de Ortop y Traumatol 1984 Indice

Cañadell J Lesiones del cartílago de crecimiento 1988 Indice

Charnley J Artroplastia Baja Friccion Cadera 1981 Indice

Charnley J Instrumentation Low Friction Arthroplasty Hip 1984 Indice

Charnley J Low Friction Arthroplasty Hip 1979 Indice

Charnley J Treatment of common fractures. 1957 Indice

Chung Kevin C Operative Techniques hand and wrist surgery 2007 1st ed Indice

Chung Kevin C Reconstruccion Mano y Extr Superior 2012 Indice

Cibeira JB Dolor Lumbar.Clinica y Cirugia Indice

Cosentino R Miembros Inferiores El Ateneo 1992 Indice

Cosentino R Raquis Smiologia El Ateneo 1985 Indice

Coughlin Mann Surgery Foot Ankle 1999 7a.ed. Indice

DAmbrosia Orthopaedic Infections 1989 Indice

De Palma Cirugia del Hombro 1985 Indice

De Palma Disco Intervertebral 1971 Indice

De Palma Tratamiento de Fracturas y Luxaciones 1984 Indice

Defilippis Novoa E Medicina Legal del Trabajo y Seguridad Social 1984 Indice

Defilippis Novoa EC Tratado traumatología médico-legal 1967 Indice

del Sel JM Ortopedia y Traumatologia 6a ed 1993 Indice

del Sel Ortopedia y Traumatologia 2001 Indice

Fabroni RH Cirugia Fracturas Reemplazos Articulares 1977 Indice

Feagin JA The Crucial Ligament 1988 Indice

Fernandez Esteve F. Tratamiento Biologico Fracturas Yesos 1995 Indice

Firpo CAN Atlas Tecn Quir Ortop Traumatol 1987 Indice

Firpo CAN Manual Ortopedia y Traumatologia 2005 Indice

Fitzgerald RH Ortopedia 2004 T. 1 y T. 2 Indice

FLAMECIPP Cirugia Minimamente Invasiva del Pie 2018 Indice

Fuller JR Instrumentación Quirúrgica 1988 Indice

Gage JR Gait analysis in cerebral palsy 1991 Indice

Germann Decision Making in reconstructive surgery 2000 Indice

Green NE Skeletal Trauma Children 2003 3a ed Indice

Greulich WW Radiog atlas skeletal develop hand wrist Indice

Grivas TB Conservative Scoliosis Treatment 1st SOSORT 2008 Indice

Gustilo RB Fracturas y Luxaciones 1995 Indice

Hefti F Pediatric Orthopedics in Practice 2015 Indice

Herring JA -Tachdjian’s Pediatric Orthopaedics 3 Vol 2002 3a ed Indice_compressed

Huggler AH Aloartroplastia Cadera Protesis Endofemorales Puras Totales 1972 Indice

Hungerford The Hip 1983 Indice

Ilizarov GA Osteosintesis 1990 Indice

Irisarri C Patologia Traumatica Mano Indice

Jay RM Pediatric Foot Ankle Surg 1999 Indice

Johnson L Arthroscopic Surgery Principles Practice 1986 Indice

Josa Bullich Infecciones Osteoarticulares 1998 Indice

Ladino Melendez Liliana Manual Nutricion Pediatrica 2022 Indice

Lawson EF Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 2021 Indice

Lowell Winter Ortopedia Pediatrica 1988 Indice

Maffulli Minimally Invasive Surgery Achilles 2013 Indice

Malawer MM Sugarbaker PH Musculoskeletal Cancer Surgery 2004 Indice

McCarthy Cirugia Plastica La Mano I 1992 Indice

McCarthy Cirugia Plastica La Mano II 1992 Indice

McGinty JB Operative Arthroscopy 1996 Indice

McRae R Tratamiento práctico de fracturas 1985 Indice

Miscione H Como lo hago en ortopedia pediatrica 2007 Indice

Moe JH Deformaciones de la columna vertebral 1982 Indice

Morrey BF The Elbow Master Techniques Orthopaedic Surgery 3a ed 2015 Indice

Muller Manual de Osteosintesis 1993 Indice

Muñoz Martinez MJ Anesteris Regional con Ecografía 2007 Indice

Musahl V Basic Methods Handbook Clinical Orthopaedic Research 2019 Indice

Noyes’ Knee Disorders 2da ed 2017 Indice

Ogden JA Traumatismos Esqueleto Niño 1986 Indice

OKU 4 Orthopaedic Knowledge UpDate AAOS 1993 Indice

Orozco Declos R Errores Osteosintesis 1993 Indice

Otaño Sahores Eponimos Ortop Traumatol 2007 Indice

Ottolenghi Traccion Esqueletica 1946 Indice

Paley Dror Principles of deformity correction 2002 Indice

Parikh S Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament 2018 Indice

Pedowitz RA. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 2008 Indice

Pfeffer Glenn B Operative Techniques Foot Ankle 2018 Indice

Ramos Vertiz AJ Traumatologia y Ortopedia 2da ed 2000 Indice

Raudenbush SW Hierarchical linear models 2nd ed 2002 Indice

Romano Fernandez Lo Esencial en Ortopedia y Traumatologia UNLP 2023 Indice

Rothman Simeone The spine 2 vol 1999 Indice

Rubinstein SJ Código Tablas Incapacidades Laborativas 2012 Indice

Ruedi AO Principles of Fracture Management 2000 Indice

Sabaté Prevencion Infeccion Quirurgica en Cirugia Ortopedica Traumatologica Indice

Santori FS Avascular Necrosis Femoral Head 2004 Indice

Sarmiento Latta Tratamiento Funcional Incruento Fracturas Indice

Sarrafian Foot and Ankle Anatomy Descriptive 1993 Indice

Schächter S Guia Evaluacion Incapacidades Medicas Aparato Locomotor 2007 Indice

Schatzker Tile Tratamiento Quirurgico de las Fracturas 1998 Indice

Schmalbruch Henning Skeletal Muscle 1985 Indice

SECOT Libro Casos Clinicos Residentes Cirugía Ortopedica y Traumatologia 2011 Indice

SECOT Libro Casos Clinicos Residentes Cirugía Ortopedica y Traumatologia 2012 Indice

SECOT Manual Cirugia Ortopedica Traumatologia 2003 Indice

SECOT Manual del Residente 2014 Indice

SECOT Manual del Residente 2020 indice

Shin A Fracturas del Escafoides 2008 Indice

Siebol R Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 2014 Indice

SILACO Compendio de Patologia de Columna Vertebral Para Residentes 2019 Indice

Silberman Varaona Ortopedia y Traumatologia 3a ed 2010 Indice

Silberman Varaona Ortopedia y Traumatologia 4a ed 2018 Indice

Sledge CB The Hip 1998 Indice

Staheli L Ortopedia Pediatrica 2003 Indice

Stanton Hicks Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy 1990 Indice

Steinberg La Cadera 1993 Indice

Steinberg Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 1999 Indice

Strickland JW The Hand 1998 Indice

Sugarbaker PH Cirugia del cancer musculosqueletico 1995 Indice

Tachdjian Ortopedia Clinica Pediatrica 1999 Indice

Taleisnik J The Wrist 1985 Indice

Tile M Fractures Pelvis Acetabulum 2003 Indice

Tscherne H Fractures with soft tissue injuries 1984 Indice

Urrutia AR Responsabilidad Medico Legal Traumatologos 2003 Indice

Valente Valenti Ortesis del Pie 1987 Indice

Vidalain JP Corail-hip-system 2011 Indice

Volpi P Arthroscopy Sport Injuries 2016 Indice

White Panjabi Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine 1990 Indice

Wolpert WK Scoliosis Surgery 2003 Indice

Zancolli EA Structural and Dynamic Bases of Hand Surgery 1979 Indice

Zancolli-Cozzi Atlas de Anatomia Quirurgica de la Mano 1993 Indice

Zarins B Principios Artroscopia Cirugia Artroscopica 1993 Indice

Zeiger M. Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers 2a ed Indice

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